Lord Nelson
Lord Nelson er påmeldt som første skute til The Tall Ships Races Bergen 2019. Første skute er en milepæl i dette arrangementet og det er gøy med alle første, store hendelser. Ekstra gøy er det at Lord Nelson, ikke bare er ei A skute, men også er spesialtilpasset for mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne.
Lord Nelson er konstruert med bredere dekk, med plass for rullestoler, hydraulisk styring, snakkende kompass for svaksynte, for å nevne noen av spesialfunksjonene. Lord Nelson er med på å gjøre TRSB2019 til et arrangement for alle.
Vi ser fram til at Lord Nelson gjester Bergen og TSRB2019!
TSRB2019 finner sted fra 21. – 24. juli 2019
Lord Nelson
Lord Nelson has enrolled as the first ship to The Tall Ships Races Bergen 2019. The first ship is a milestone in this event. Not only is Lord Nelson a class A tall ship but it’s also specially adapted for people with disabilities. Lord Nelson is designed with wider decks to fit wheelchairs, hydraulic steering and a compact compass for low vision, to name a few of the special features. Lord Nelson is helping to make TRSB2019 an event for everyone.
We look forward to welcoming Lord Nelson and its guests to Bergen and the TSRB2019!
TSRB2019 will take place from 21st – 24th July 2019.
- Class: A
- Nationality: UK
- Year built: 1985
- Home port: Southampton, England
- Rig: Barque 3
- Height: 33.60 m
- Length: 40.80 m
- Entered by: Jubilee Sailing Trust
- Areas of operation: Northern Europe, Black Sea, Mediterranean, Atlantic/Caribbean, North America East Coast, North America West Coast, Canada, Pacific, Australasia, Indian Ocean, Antarctica
- Number of trainees: 42
- Number of permanent crew: 8
- Berth types: Bunks, Cabins
- Showers: Yes
- Operational language(s) on board: English
- Special diets catered for: Yes
- Special needs catered for: Yes
- Blue Flag Member: Yes